Rosemary Lauer, President and Founder of Devotion To Children, was evacuated from Vietnam in 1975 and arrived in the US a single mother, homeless and with 2 small children.

Impact on Children
Children who enter Kindergarten prepared are likely to remain ahead of their peers throughout their educational careers and beyond. 82% who attended pre-school are school-ready vs only 45% who did not attend pre-school.
Impact on Families
Access to stable, high-quality childcare helps parents improve their labor productivity by: Increasing Work Hours, Missing Fewer Workdays, Pursuing Higher Education.
Long-term Impact
High-quality early childhood education also shows long-term gains: Increased College Graduation Rates & Increased Rates of Employment, Sustained Parental Wage Growth, Long-term Health Benefits*
*Including reduced rates of depression, smoking and cardio-vascular disease

DTC operates by partnering with licensed child care where we successfully implement our mission. Our partner schools help facilitate our mission by identifying children and families in their schools that may need our financial assistance. We work together for the benefit of those in need of assistance where we can ensure their continued access to these critical educational programs.
DTC Tuition Scholarship Program
Our Tuition Scholarship program provides financial assistance for day care costs for financially challenged partner school families with one or more pre-school children. The cost of day care may be partially subsidized by the county government, with the remainder of the cost (co-pay), the responsibility of the parents, covered by a DTC Tuition Scholarship.
DTC Angel Fund Program
Our Angel Fund program offers emergency childcare tuition (financial) assistance to partner school pre-school age children so that they may continue attending a licensed, quality Preschool or Day Care Center in the Washington, DC metropolitan area while their parent(s) recover from a short-term financial set back (lost job or illness that results in immediate financial hardship).
DTC Speech Therapy Program
Our Speech Therapy Program sponsors our partner school Falls Church McLean Children’s Center’s speech therapy classes for those children selected for the program. It has been noted that a number of very young children were challenged during the Covid pandemic with speech development. This program was established with the goal of restoring children’s speech skill level.
Our Annual Children’s Day is a program where we collect backpacks and fill them with school supplies for rising Kindergarteners who attend our partner schools. Two weeks before the opening of school, we invite the children to a fun event at a local Volunteer Fire Department. They not only go home with backpacks filled with school supplies, but each family also gets a $100 gift card!

“I have chosen to live the years I have left doing all I can to help those in need…” Rosemary Lauer